“An SEO Expert walks into a bar, pub, bars, tavern, public drinking house, Irish pub…”
Oh, the poor SEO expert.
Wait a minute though. It’s time, we think, that our super attentive SEO experts get their share of limelight and applause.
For, all their hard-work goes into getting your website up on the first page of any search engine result. For, without their mighty list of knightly keywords and unique content, your page wouldn’t have survived the last penalty from Google. And, for, without their attentive watch, your website would have been a perfect spot to bury a dead body.
To break it down in simple terms, let’s just say that being an SEO Expert is like being a master to a highly mischievous pup. And, consider taming your website with white hat SEO Service is like bringing up that puppy.
This post today is for you to have a peek at all the inside jokes and stories that run around the SEO Expert’s Team. So, let’s get started with what it takes to be an SEO Expert-
1) Patience
2) Trying to produce unique content every time
3) Keeping a track of Google Analytics
4) And, when we’re penalised by Google
5) Trying to explain to the content writer about keyword placement in the SEO content
6) Keeping a check on Google Search Algorithm updates
7) Finally, this one is for you. Yes, you. For your reaction when your website gets unexpected traffic due to all the SEO Expert’s efforts!
Isn’t it such an exhilarating feeling? That feeling of accomplishing traffic with the help of organic process?
So, this time you’re in a meeting with your SEO Manager, begin the meeting with a pat on their shoulder. Go ahead, you can do it!
And, if these puppies have convinced you enough to reach out to us to take care of your SEO requirements, go ahead- pick up the phone and give us a call at 1 (561) 409 5666 or ping us at info@waspmobile.com!