Spending a lot of time on SEO without visible results? Well, here’s a list of what you could be missing! Most people tend to overlook these simple but very important points:
Research your keywords
Are your keywords right? Though most of us think we’ve compiled the right set of keywords, we might not have the best ones. Google offers “Keyword Planner,” a very important tool that can help research and analyse your keywords. For example, roughly how many people search for a keyword like ‘Vegetarian Restaurants in Florida’? Use Keyword Planner to find out and check. There are many other such tools available but Google’s the best.
Create Unique Content & Optimize
A common mistake that most of us do is to write content for the search engine. But the trick is to write content for readers and not for the sake of writing content. Creating unique optimized content can help in a large way to get noticed.
Explore Alternative Platforms
Having your presence on Google+ can definitely help your search rankings. Get yourself listed on Google Maps and Google Places for Business to ensure your consumers find you easily. Also, it is time to explore Mobile to improve your rankings. Every digital marketing agency will follow a mobile first approach in the coming few months. With mobile users growing rapidly, make sure your presence is felt there too.
Ask for Genuine Reviews
Get your best clients and consumers to write a short review for your Google listing. Make sure the reviews are authentic and genuine. It will help your visibility in a huge way.
Though the above mentioned points seem to be simple and minimal, they could help improve your rankings drastically. Implement a few of them and let us know if they helped! Also, you can learn more about our SEO services here.