Remember Jaden Smith’s space suit from the movie After Earth that changes its color depending on body condition? It also allowed Will Smith to talk to his son, track his location, and monitor his physical condition, all from his space ship. Though this suit may seem a bit far-fetched right now, we are slowly and steadily making progress in this direction!
With Apple releasing its iWatch few days ago and Google already trying to make its stake with Google Glass and smart watches, it is clear that we are closer than ever to seeing the next generation of smart devices.
Smaller, Smarter, and More Sophisticated
These “wearables” are not new to us, though. Wireless headsets and bluetooth devices may be considered as first generation of wearables. Each passing day, these devices are getting smaller, smarter, and more sophisticated; for instance, current generation smart watches are capable of providing all the same features that a smart phone provides. Calls, messages, navigation, video calls, retina display, voice commands, you name it – they got it! Thinking of watching movie on a watch though? Please don’t.
Advancements in this field are very promising, especially in the health and security industries. In the health industry, prototypes are already being developed. The devices comfortably sits in your dress, monitors your health condition day in and out, alerts your doctor and family when it detects an abnormality, and may even advise you on what to do in that situation.
Security is another aspect where these devices are priceless. Current devices are already capable of sending distress calls to close friends, family and local authorities when you are in danger.
While the advantages are numerous, the line between using devices to your advantage and becoming obsessed with them is very fine. If you are fascinated with these devices, it’s good to buy a Tuxedo, but, don’t turn yourself into Robocop!