How Brands Can Embrace the New Instagram Algorithm

Despite much push back about the new instagram algorithm, there are a few ways brands can embrace the change

The recent announcement that Instagram is going to create an algorithm that will no longer display a user’s news feed chronologically sent a shockwave through the digital marketing and social media communities last week. Influencers, brands, publishers and even the average user all began FREAKING OUT about the new change and started filling our feeds with cheesy images asking followers to turn on notifications to continue seeing their posts. Which isn’t even how it works, by the way, because posts will not be hidden. So for those of you who believe everything you see on the Internet, be prepared for profusion of notifications every time one of those accounts posts.

due to the new Instagram algorith users are concerned their posts will not show up in others' feeds.        with the new update for instagram users are worried followers wont see their posts

The new change is a controversial one. Instagram is the one social media platform that has stayed true to the user since inception. Now this update could transform how users are interacting and engaging with the Facebook-owned app – something most aren’t taking too well.

In reaction to the panic that spread across devotees dedicated to sharing images of themselves and their food on the app, Instagram tried to calm the uproar by insisting that they are hearing users’ comments and have not rolled out a new algorithm… yet.

Despite a Tweet about issuing a fair warning of when the change will take place, users are seeing their feeds change as of April 8.


While most users are obviously annoyed with the new changes that don’t seem to favor the average Joe – brands, publishers and marketers might be able to use the algorithm to their advantage…with the right content, of course.

Here are three ways the update will impact brands and digital marketers

Engaging Content Will Be a Necessity

In order for a brand’s followers to continue to see the content they post on Instagram, users will need to engage with it. Now is the perfect time to decide exactly how your brand or business will increase overall engagement and reach with each post, and the best way to do so is to create value. Start reaching out to influencers for collaborations, planning contests and giveaways, and focusing on quantity of quality to assure you stay relevant in your user’s feed.

More Effective Advertising

Without the cushion of guaranteed reach, brands may benefit from the occasional boost to get their content in front of their followers and other Instagram users. With this new algorithm, advertising on the platform could be much more effective. By being able to tap into Facebook’s sophisticated ad platform, advertisements will be highly targeted and of even better quality than before. Exploring how you will use the ad option now, will result in more lucrative results in the future.

Influencers Will Be Your Brand’s Best Friend

One of the best ways to get your content out is to make sure it is seen in more than one place. This is why influencer marketing has become so popular recently. With the new algorithm Instagram plans to roll out, securing relevant influencers with large followings is more now more important than ever. Reach out to Instagram users with influence and authority in your industry and start building relationships with them. Collaborations will result in more growth for all accounts involved.

I think it is safe to say everyone can calm down just a little bit about this new update. And don’t worry you don’t have to boycott Instagram –  you’ll still see your favorite cat, food and friends’ accounts, you just have to engage with them. The new algorithm should be looked at positively because it may actually be even more valuable for users since brands must focus on the quality of their content even more.