My dear reader, I am extremely sorry to have used a misleading title to grab your attention.
This post is NOT about why you should not grow followers on Twitter.
In fact, I want to share some of the best practices I’ve followed in order to boost your presence on Twitter.
I just wanted to ensure that you don’t miss out on this and think of it as just any other random post on your news feed, hence, the title.
Some of the most common points that everybody will tell you is to share more images along with your tweets, make sure to follow back your followers, use relevant hashtags, re-tweet other users and post at early mornings or late nights etc.
But the strategies I am sharing with you are followed by professional digital marketing agencies and they all have proven results –
- Klout Score – The klout score is basically a number between 1 and 100 that represents how influential you are on social media. Using this, you can reach out to individuals within your industry who can turn out to be positive influencers for the growth of your profile. Find out the top influencers, follow, re-tweet and engage with them.
- Maintain Lists – A great way of discovering new people on Twitter is by categorizing your followers into lists. When you add them to a list, the chances are you can get added to their lists as well. Once they start adding you to lists, you can easily discover new profiles that are relevant to your industry using these lists. Follow some of the profiles who have a wider reach.
- Pump Up Your Bio – The first thing a potential follower will notice about you is your bio. So ensure to send out the right message and give them a reason why they should follow you. Use keywords that match your business. I recommend you read these 7 Twitter Bio Ideas that can help you write a killer bio.
- Converse – One successful way of engaging on Social media is to converse with people, as you would do in real world. Send out genuine messages, mentions, tags and re-tweets. The more love you share, the more you get it back.
- Tools – Once your following on Twitter starts growing, it is good idea to invest in a few tools like crowdfire and hootsuite. Crowdfire lets you send automated messages to everybody who follows you and most followers tend to read them. Hootsuite lets you curate content, maintain lists and it also offers an auto-scheduler that chooses the best times for you to tweet.
If you’re still reading this article, I am grateful and I feel happy that I have been able to share some valuable information with you. And if any of these tips do help you boost your followers, do forgive me for the title again 😉