What follows is a quick example of WASP’s on-boarding process. Being the tight-knit agency that we are, every time we welcome a new client into our nest, we make sure to take the time to perform what we call “mutual education.” We learn more about you, you learn more about us, and before you know it we’re all gathered around some cocktails by Happy Hour.
Just this past week we were blessed with the opportunity to bring the entire WASP experience to a local firm in need of some internet marketing expertise. They had questions. We had answers. We had questions. They had answers. It’s all part of a necessary step in creating a recipe for SEO success.
Every relationship should be built on trust, whether in business or your personal life. Here at WASP, we know mobile apps, online promotions, search engines, and despite our record last year, even a thing or two about Fantasy Football. We’re pretty well-rounded.
Guess what we DON’T know a lot about? Your business or industry!
We’re technologists and marketers, not ice cream salesmen…or healthcare providers…or – even though I try my damnedest – race car drivers. We must defer to you and your experience in order to help us determine who your target demographic is; how they speak, where they are, how your product or service can benefit them, and your current position in the marketplace. More often than not, these questions provide enlightening tips from which we can devise a strategy.
This week’s meeting was filled to the brim with representatives from both parties. What followed was a multi-hour session that produced a wealth of insight for all. We now have defined metrics to track our progress, an insider’s perspective on the ideal customer, and have established a voice for the brand that will permeate all aspects of our campaign.
Not only have we gained new business, we also made some valuable friendships, which is part of what sets WASP apart…We aren’t a volume company; we are just as discerning in choosing our next client as they are in selecting their online marketing partner. Our casa es su casa, and if you’ve got a hot tip on a wide receiver prospect, even better!
Once the pleasantries are over however, that’s when it’s time for the real work to begin. So jump on board while you can, because once we get going, this ship won’t be stopped!