Catching A Buzz

wasp mobile is mobile marketing

One of nature’s most popular clichés is the transformation of the unsightly, simple-minded caterpillar into the intricate and ornate butterfly. The transformation represents less an evolution or adaptation, and more a re-birth. From beginning to end, this insect’s life revolves around a change that leaves it nearly unrecognizable.

The wasp however, experiences no such revolution. The wasp is fully functional from the start; consistent, hard working, and dedicated to its task. For the past six years, Wasp Mobile has embodied these qualities, delivering attractive, efficient, quality mobile applications and mobile marketing solutions to our clients. However, over the past 24 months, Wasp Mobile has entered into its own natural transformation.

While we remain as committed as ever, we have spread our wings, added to our team, and expanded our expertise.

Welcome to Wasp Mobile Version 2.0.

Wireless Application Solutions Provider

We got our start in 2008 helping clients devise various forms of SMS campaigns, before quickly moving into mobile web and app development. Our client list included Fortune 500 corporations and family owned local businesses. Our hive was abuzz with cutting edge marketing tools that produced measurable results; and as the Internet continuously grew in influence and scope, we grew with it, gradually adding more capabilities and experience.

Today, Wasp Mobile operates out of our U.S. headquarters, located in Boca Raton, FL. Our subsidiary, Wasp Mobile India, offers back office assistance in addition to catering to international clients from our office in Hyderabad, India. We have retained old clients as well as added new ones, including Consolidated Credit, Cell Science Systems, and British American Tobacco. More than just a mobile marketing company, we are now a complete web and wireless solutions provider.

We offer comprehensive digital marketing strategies across two divisions: mobile and marketing. Our services include SEO, paid online advertising, mobile app creation, social media management, and web content creation. Our proprietary content management system is capable of powering both web and mobile sites.

With these changes, Wasp Mobile has constructed a clear vision and path to success. We are uniquely positioned to act as an international mobile platform, as we execute our plan to develop the company into a global leader in mobile/wireless marketing and services.

For more information, visit, or call 561-409-5668. You can also follow Wasp On Twitter at @WASPMOBILE and on Facebook: