Believe it or not, internet marketing does work far better than some disbelievers would imagine. Now thanks to BrightLocal, we have the statistics to prove it!
In each of the past two years, BrightLocal has conducted a survey that measures how effective internet marketing is for small businesses with less than 50 employees. The survey was conducted across North America, and asked for each of the company’s views on internet marketing, mobile marketing, and general marketing services.
After seeing the results of the survey, the team here at WASP was not surprised. The internet marketing naysayers however, might soon be changing their tune!
The first set of stats we came across indicated that over two-thirds of businesses spend less than $500 a month on online marketing. To a small business owner this may seem like a lot, but in reality $500 is next to nothing in the digital space – for either local or national campaigns. Even less owners spend up to $1,000 per month on their digital efforts.
Some other alarming data supported the notion that one third of businesses surveyed spend less than 10% of their budget on mobile-specific marketing. With the influence of mobile devices growing exponentially, it would be quite shortsighted to ignore a quickly expanding platform.
The survey also inquired about how much the respondents planned to spend on internet marketing over the next 12 months. Fortunately, the results were very promising; out of the 736 businesses surveyed, 37% plan to increase their spending on internet and mobile marketing.
When over 550 small businesses of 736 surveyed believe internet marketing to be effective, the proof of progress is in the pudding!