When it comes to determining the optimal amount of times a keyword or phrase should appear within your online content, there unfortunately is no hard and fast answer. Just like SEO, keyword density – expressed as the percentage of times your keyword/phrase appears in relation to the total number of words in your piece – must be tailored to meet individual circumstances. There is currently no clear-cut number that has been proven to successfully improve overall search engine result rankings.
Proper keyword density is nonetheless an important factor in your digital marketing strategy, and allows search bots to summarize the content found on a certain page. However, even more critical is avoidance of “keyword stuffing.” Online content – just like traditional print – should read easily and naturally. When a certain keyword is forcibly added over and over, content tends to sound disjointed and unnatural. Readers have a harder time fully understanding content that is loaded down with too many keywords, and search bots aren’t far behind.
Search engines are becoming increasingly more intelligent with their ranking algorithms, and have the ability to determine when keywords are being added for the sole purpose of improving a page’s position in their results. Ultimately, this will result in lowered rankings on result pages.
While there is no general rule when it comes to keyword density, it is important to remember to always write content based on your audience’s ability to read it as opposed to SEO. Focus on producing high-quality content that concentrates on encapsulating the meanings of your keyword or phrase, without putting too much pressure on how many times each appear.