The importance of having a successful website for any small or medium-sized business cannot be overlooked when it comes to establishing a multi-faceted marketing strategy. Websites have the ability to bring the same type of regional, national or global awareness and corresponding traffic that Fortune 500 companies experience to smaller-scale companies. However, the process for developing an optimally-functioning site is a unique one for these businesses. Websites should pay mind to the following:
Simple Design:
A website for small or medium businesses should focus more on marketing your brand, product, or services rather than an over-complicated design. The main purpose of a website is to serve your visitors. Focus only on what is actually necessary, and get rid of any superfluous elements or features. A simple design that is easy to navigate and access is imperative to ensure they will return to, or recommend your site. Visitors who do not find a website easily utilized often find another source. This is what is known as UX, or “user experience“.
One of your main concerns should be whether your website incorporates a “responsive” design. This refers to the site’s ability to automatically adjust resolution to fit any sized screen – particularly those of smart devices.
Serve Future Needs:
Be aware that as your website grows, more features may be needed to keep it relevant and up to date. The development of a website should continue to expand and mature over time by meeting the current needs of visitors with the latest tools, techniques and features, as well as any that may be encountered in the future.
Identify Your Audience:
Identifying who an audience is for a small or medium-sized business can help improve the overall development and design of a website. By establishing who exactly a business’ website will be targeting and reaching, company owners can ensure that the features on a website are absolutely necessary before their website begins the process of development. Features that aren’t serving a purpose for your audience could be driving up cost and taking up space for things that are actually needed.
Finally, your web design should always include a clear and concise call to action for visitors. Attracting them to your website with promotions and marketing efforts is one thing; convincing them to make the leap into a conversion is another!
WASP has accumulated both the insight and proficiency to help any sized business, from Fortune 500s to local companies, with developing various website designs customized to the distinct aspects of every business. The knowledge acquired by employees at WASP has led to an in-depth understanding of what it takes to efficiently establish a website that meets and exceeds the expectations of small to medium sized business owners.
Looking for more tips, or to get started? Contact us right now!