Remember the Season 5 Finale of Game Of Thrones?
Of course you do; you were shocked, your jaw dropped, and you shed tears for a hundred shattered pieces of your heart.
You cursed each one of the plot writers of GOT and, especially, George R.R. Martin for betraying your loyalty, again. You hated yourself for trusting the scriptwriters; trusting that although they have erased countless characters with a single scratch of their mighty pen, they would – for some odd reason – retain the character we all loved the most: Jon Snow.
If you’re as inexorable a follower of Game of Thrones as I am, I bet you wished to read the above headline as “Jon Snow sits on The Wall, ALIVE.” Alas, I’m not George R.R. Martin nor are we writing the plot of Game of Thrones.
The next thing I did after the finale was jump onto social media to find solace for the loss.
And I found what I was looking for.
Posts started flooding my feed like a downpour of war arrows. It seemed never-ending. Even today, several months after the catastrophe, I still find at least one post related to the character.
It has since dawned on me that Jon Snow was the source of all this content because the character was so beloved. A perfect example of how good content lives on.
Now think of what you generate for your product and compare it to this frenzy.
Is your content generating the loyalty it should be? You need high quality content to seep through to the heart of your audience. I’m not saying every post and every update should be a hero on its own, but once in a while make that effort to generate content that stays; something which can also be retained and repurposed.
Turn up the heat; build the suspense and intrigue your followers. Give them a REASON to be hooked by your product. Good quality content is your Jon Snow.
Ah, Jon Snow – your story ended sooner than you knew (hey, calm down, I’m not saying he’s definitely dead). In a parallel universe far, far away from The Wall, just know that you conquered the Iron Throne of the Social Media!