There is a lot to love about spring: melting snow, spring break, April Fool’s Day, extra daylight after work, and the start of baseball season. OK maybe not baseball, but still, spring is great for a variety of other reasons. However, there is one thing to dread about the season and that is the notion that this is the perfect time of the year for cleaning.
Uhm… not sure who came up with that idea but it was one my Mom fully enforced.
While I know there are about a billion other things that sound better than spring cleaning, there are just some aspects of your life that really could use a sprucing up once a year. The same goes for brands. There really is no better time than when the birds are chirping to give your brand’s social media accounts some much-needed TLC.
Just because we dread organizing the Tupperware cabinet, beating out all the rugs and washing things that shouldn’t be washed, like curtains, that doesn’t mean we can skip cleaning entirely. So go ahead and give your social media accounts a deep cleaning, like my house, I am sure they could use it!
Evaluate Goals
This should be done first since it could alter any efforts hereafter. Failing to asses you goals initially is like sweeping the floor and then dusting the fan – counterproductive as my Mother would say.
Objectives for social media campaigns change from year to year. Take this time to go over any goals that were previously set to determine whether or not you have met them, and if not, whether you’re still on track to meet them.
If you have reached your goals, it is time to set new ones. If you are still struggling, it time to reevaluate and streamline any current efforts to be more in line with your brand’s objectives.
Above all, it is key to ensure your brand’s social media marketing initiatives are aligned with your “big picture.” Keeping the overall strategy in mind on all fronts will result in the realization of long term goals like increased customer loyalty and brand awareness as well as a greater ROI.
Audit & Update
One of the simplest, yet most effective, ways a brand or business can freshen up their social media accounts is by assessing the platforms being currently used, including what is on those platforms. This doesn’t mean just a quick once over, like when your parents are coming over and you think a Febreeze bath will hide that weird smell coming from your kitchen. This type of clean should pass a white glove inspection.
Determine which outlets are performing the best for your brand. Just because a social media site exists, doesn’t mean your company should be on it. Once you conclude which platforms are working the best for your content – be strategic about how you are promote your content from here on out.
This is also a great time to give your page a fresher look. This includes updating your descriptions to include any new keywords and to encourage consistency across all platforms, as well as uploading a higher-quality profile picture and cover photo that are not only eye-catching to followers but also fit the platform’s dimensions.
Get in the Routine
Social media spring cleaning for your brand can really pay off in the end – probably even more so than, let’s say, an organized Tupperware cabinet. It can help you engage more with your current audience, attract new followers and present a more cohesive presence in the digital marketing sphere.
Get in the habit of not letting the metaphorical dust build up on your accounts by making “spring cleaning” a regular occurrence. Hey, you could even try “winter washing” or a “summer scrubbing” – no need to stick to just one season!