It’s the second week of February, and everyone knows what that means…
That’s right, it’s the first official week without any professional football games to distract you from your housework or familial obligations.
Of course, it also means that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner; patiently waiting to surprise the millions of us who once again forgot to make a dinner reservation 7 months in advance. Batches of flowers in vibrant hues of pink, white, and red have replaced intricate displays of light beer packages arranged as mock field goal posts in the front of our local grocery store.
This is a whole new kind of “Crunch Time.”
However, not all of us are scrambling to decipher exactly what grand gesture of undying love our significant other may expect from us this upcoming Friday. Valentine’s Day is also a time that young hearts swoon at the possibility of new relationships. As a small business owner, your crush probably isn’t a varsity cheerleader…it’s new customers.
The question then becomes, how can you stand out in a crowd of other, equally as willing suitors? Fortunately for you, the social media Lotharios at Wasp Mobile are offering you a cheat sheet. Here are 3 ways to attract your “crush” this Valentine’s Day:
1. Picture Perfect
Photos are infinitely more appealing than plain old text. Post more of them! Images tend to be easily shared, and if you’re looking for comments, never forget the old adage about 1,000 words. In an environment such as Twitter or Instagram, where the corresponding content might be limited, you can add a bit within your actual graphics…just don’t go overboard! Show potential customers how exciting and interesting things can be around your office, stockroom, garage, etc. Become more engaging, in order to lead to an engagement.
2. Relationship (& Link) Building
Whether we like it or not, there is some gamesmanship involved in nearly every initial attraction. Facebook has recently made some changes, resulting in a need to modify your posting strategies. Sharing links to well-known websites helps to boost your credibility as a resource to your fans. Now that personal NewsFeeds are becoming “News Feeds,” being able to relay pertinent information will help you appear socially conscious…if not ruggedly handsome as well.
3. Frequency Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
Unlike in the physical world, giving off a sense of mystery is not recommended across social platforms. Ignoring your accounts and letting too much time lag between updates can easily leave your message never reaching your target…an arrow from Cupid gone awry. Study your analytics to learn when and why your fans are interacting with your brand. Schedule your updates to appear when traffic is at its peak, helping to maximize your potential reach. Of course, as with chocolate and love notes, moderation is key. Avoid pelting your customers with never-ending tweets and status updates to help ensure you aren’t eventually ignored or hidden.
While there’s no guarantee that you’ll end up happily ever after with the customer of your dreams, the real thrill comes in the pursuit. Become a better brand on social media to help attract a better audience, and be sure to have some fun in the process. Believe us, they’ll notice.
If you’re curious about more in-depth mobile, media, or marketing tips, contact Wasp Mobile today!