Brands that are only concerned with growing a strong social media presence, or only focus their efforts on offline marketing initiatives are completely missing the potential advantages that a combined marketing effort can offer. By taking advantage of only one avenue, your business risks losing a significant amount of engagement, traffic, and potential leads. An integrated approach is necessary in order to conceive and execute a dynamic, successful campaign.
Picture it from a customer’s perspective; you view your favorite brand (say Coca Cola)’s latest commercial on YouTube and enjoy it. You’re driving back from work, and pass Coke’s new billboard with the same hashtag you saw featured in the video. You log on to Facebook or Twitter and see your friends sharing the same hashtag. Finally, you see it again the next time you buy a can of Coke. How likely are you to buy Coke again? A majority of people would say they are very likely to purchase Coke the next time they are craving a soda, but even if people do answer negatively (probably just due to feeling smothered by brand communication), it is less likely that they will forget Coke for the next few days or maybe even months!
That is what marketing is all about. Don’t worry, we are not recommending you follow the big brand’s strategies but here are a few simple tips – you’re probably already aware of some of these but haven’t give them sufficient thought – that can give your brand that extra advantage: