Life Partners

wasp hosts googlepartners connect event

No matter the industry, the smartest businessmen (and women!) understand that a majority of the time, success comes down to relationships.

Working relationships between the buyer and seller, between employees, and between companies are all necessary. The latter is often referred to as a “partnership,” and is loosely thrown around these days. However, every once in a while a true-blue mutually-beneficial partnership opportunity presents itself…and when it comes from one of the top 5 most valuable brands in the world, the WASP team jumped on it faster than the Indiana Pacers’s championship hopes evaporated.

We are happy to announce that we are now officially a member of the Google Partners fraternity.

Now, just because we’ve hit the big-time doesn’t mean anything has to change between us and our current and future clients. We won’t make you address us as “Sir,” or “Master,” or “Supreme SEO Sultans.” However, we will be sure to point out at every opportunity that we have been selected as one of a small number of agencies implicitly trusted and endorsed by Google. If your current marketing or app development partner can’t say that, it might be time to have “the talk” (it’s not YOU…it’s THEM).

To celebrate, we’ll be hosting an exclusive Google Partners Connect event on May 21, 2014 in our offices for new and old clients alike. Present will be special guest hosts from Google including Arjan Dijk, VP of Global Small Business Marketing, Fred Vallaeys, Google AdWords Evangelist, and Ben Wood, the Director of Channel Sales Americas. We’ll also be serving refreshments and offering some pretty serious giveaways. Learning more about how your business can be properly marketed on Google really isn’t a bad way to spend an hour out of your day…the worst thing that could happen is you have a severe distaste for free coffee, in which case we probably wouldn’t get along together anyway.

If you’re interested in attending, you can RSVP, or get more information by sending an e-mail to We’re looking forward to hosting quite a few of you, and beginning or continuing as many partnerships as possible!