One of my loved ones recently asked me how my new job was going, and what I liked the most about it.
I paused and thought for a moment.
My response prompted a puzzled look to creep across their face, as they were probably expecting some long, drawn-out anecdote. I didn’t reply with the stereotypical “Oh, I love my job” reasoning, because that couldn’t have possibly come close to an accurate explanation. My reply was thus:
“Ever get that sense where you instantly feel like you belong? Well I experience that feeling everyday, and it’s only a small portion of why I love this job as much as I do.” Needless to say, the relative in question was completely stunned, and (probably) a bit jealous that they couldn’t empathize with my enthusiasm where they currently make their living.
Ever since coming on-board at WASP, I have finally found that feeling of enjoying what I do. It was a bit of a struggle the first few days; only because I knew I had to keep going back to my previous job a couple times a week until the opportunity to go full-time came around. Once I achieved my position here in paradise, all the stress that came from my retail job vanished. It felt like a 500-lb gorilla was lifted off my shoulders, and I could enjoy my work again.
Life has been great since WASP came into my life. Knowing that I can walk into work and just focus on my projects without being micromanaged is one of the greater feelings I have experienced in my short time here. WASP is the breath of fresh air that I desperately needed after working in retail for the past 2 ½ years. Taking pride in the work I do, expressing my creativity, and being applauded for my efforts instead of reprimanded might be the greatest rewards. Unfortunately, this was something I never would have found working in retail.
Was it the corporate structure? People in positions of power feeling threatened by someone younger, brighter and harder working?
Thankfully, I will never have to find out, because I’ve found where I belong. Let’s just say, before I came to WASP, I was quite certain that I worked in Hell – or at least the retail equivalent to that dark, fiery place. Now, only one month later, I am quite certain I’m just livin’ the dream.