Social media has revolutionized marketing and promotional activity undeniably, and unavoidably. These new communication avenues allow businesses to target select audiences or demographics with unheralded accuracy. Hence, it is of vital importance that marketers drastically alter their public relations and marketing strategies to fit the ever-changing ways of social networks today.
Unless you've been busy hanging out under the Denver International Airport with the Lizard People you're probably aware that this Sunday marks the 48th anniversary of one of the grandest modern American spectacles: Super Bowl-related marketing! In recent years, the actual
The advent of social media and its various platforms has completely reformed networking as we know it; this isn't an arguable fact. When it comes to the influence of social media, we tend to classify and categorize major social networks
One of nature’s most popular clichés is the transformation of the unsightly, simple-minded caterpillar into the intricate and ornate butterfly. The transformation represents less an evolution or adaptation, and more a re-birth. From beginning to end, this insect’s life revolves