The advertising industry has changed drastically over the past century. From print ads to traditional media to social media, we have come a long way in understanding and influencing our audience. With technological advancements and cultural evolution of the world we live in, the style of advertising has changed according to our audiences and their preferences.
A brief look at the history of advertising reveals some of the ads that have changed the way we advertise:
It’s 2016 and Social Media Marketing has taken over the budgets of a majority of brands today. A huge fraction of revenue generation comes from AdWords and Facebook advertising. Unlike traditional media, Social Media hosts a variety of adverts that can range from minimalist creatives, videos, memes and a mass of other exciting content formats.
But is traditional media dead? Or is Social Media the only place to be? Well, both continue to co-exist and fusing social media with traditional media is the new in-thing! You know it is an exciting time to be in when you see a TV commercial for godaddy.com and a sponsored post on Facebook for super bowl.
So, the next time you think advertising, think of all the above 🙂