It’s safe to assume we all know that the “www” pretense in our browser’s bar stands for the “World Wide Web.” Yet, how many of us take the time to truly realize the implications that those three letters represent? When it comes to content marketing, understanding why and how the world is connected to your website is necessary for success; and the key lies in that last little “w.”
Creepy Crawlies Crave Content 
When devising an online marketing strategy, we encourage our clients to visualize a spider’s web. Each string is connected to, and dependent upon, the next. By weaving these strings together in a complicated and beautiful pattern, the web becomes structurally sound, and functional. Of course, we stop just short of comparing your brand to a blood-sucking arachnid, but nevertheless, the overall concept is important to understand. Your Pay Per Click campaigns should draw inspiration from your landing pages, which share links and content with your website, which is in turn posted across your social media accounts. Even your YouTube videos should be optimized with your target keywords within the title and description. No single step exists in a vacuum. Your keywords, brand message, and tone should all play off of each other to form a cohesive marketing plan.
Do The Wasp Hive Jive
Users access search engines in order to find the most relevant results to their queries. Is your online content working for, or against you? Is there a consistent message? Do you delegate the writing of site content to one department, social media to another, and press releases and reputation management to an outside vendor? Without constant communication, an unfocused approach could do more harm than good. Get in touch with Wasp Mobile today, and let us help guide your content marketing efforts. Although we love to play on the web, we don’t bite!