“The Doomsday Clock strikes midnight.
Cinderella has a radioactive glow”.
This Terribly Tiny Tale that I came across last night is a reflection of today’s world. And, these two lines simply summarize the lucratively imaginative world we’re living in.
We live in a time where super heroes are mutating with radio-active energy and more than a billion people believe that the Zombie Apocalypse is nearing. Have I already established in these statements that we’re dealing with some wildly imaginative set of audience? If not, yes- this is where we stand at the podium today, facing a zillion dreams filled with untamed perception.
If I weren’t a marketer standing at this puzzled podium, you would have found me amidst the cacophony of dreams. Fortunately for me, millennial marketing is what I do but this blog today comes from the millennial in me, not the marketer.
Gen X has had the advantage of growing up with technology and initiating emerging trends we sight today. If you’re from this “Gen X” group nod when I ask- How many times have you heard your father talk about not owning gadgets or smart phones while growing up?
Well, today, 67% of Millennials have reported that they use their smart phone to not just browse the internet but to connect with their friends, family, products, brands, academics and anything that matters. [I can imagine my dad rolling his eyes after reading this, quite literally.]
70-74% of the above audience relies on social media to share their story about a recent purchase. It’s not surprising to know that majority of these super active engagers feel responsible to help their loved ones regarding purchase decisions.
In order to address this highly mutating audience, you will need to get inside their mind and think like one. Imagine that you are an actor and adapt the “method acting” process!
While you’re on it, let me share with you three key elements highlighting and relating the Millennial’s relationship with the Brand.
- “I find your lack of faith disturbing”, Darth Vader
- For us, being loyal needs to be rewarded and awarded. We need to feel exclusive. We want to connect with the Brand on a personal level. The tone and communication matter to us. Owning a product or purchasing from a brand for us reflects our principles and our personality, in that way the millennials can be very selective about their choices.
- “May the force be with you,” Hans Solo
- As mentioned, millennials chase products only if they think it’s relevant to their lifestyle and reflects some sort of a principle/value they strongly believe in. And, if they do end up purchasing the product, let’s just say that the product has earned it. The force has now become a part of their lifestyle! Thus, establishing a common relevance will help in connecting with the crowd.
- “There’s going to be a time, when we’re all together”, Charles Xavier.
- Gone are the days where traditional advertisements had doctors or experts talk about the product. In a survey, it has been observed that 67% of the millennials would prefer purchasing a product if it was through a form of recommendation from their friends or family or someone they look up to. And 59% said that they would consider owning a product/brand if recommended by their friends. Hence, millennials today are standing at both ends of your product- as a purchaser and as a marketer. How you reach out to them and connect us all together is up to your creative disposal.
Let us know if you have had the chance to market a product or launch a campaign targeting the millenials. We would love to hear about how it turned out.
If, even after the “method acting” process, you still seem like you’re facing an ambiguous audience, hey, HEY- reach out to us! We’ll make it easy for you! 🙂