Believe it or not, internet marketing does work far better than some disbelievers would imagine. Now thanks to BrightLocal, we have the statistics to prove it! In each of the past two years, BrightLocal has conducted a survey that measures how effective internet marketing is for small businesses with less than 50 employees. The survey was conducted across North America, and asked for each of the company’s views on internet marketing, mobile marketing, and general marketing services.
When it comes to determining the optimal amount of times a keyword or phrase should appear within your online content, there unfortunately is no hard and fast answer. Just like SEO, keyword density – expressed as the percentage of times your keyword/phrase appears in relation to the total number of words in your piece - must be tailored to meet individual circumstances. There is currently no clear-cut number that has been proven to successfully improve overall search engine result rankings.
Boca Raton, FL- January 7, 2015 - WASP, a digital marketing agency with a mobile first approach based in Boca Raton, Florida, is now certified as an official Google Partner. The exclusive Google Partner network consists of hand picked agencies that have competently demonstrated a high level of service and performance for their clients. As a result of the rigorous certification process, WASP now enjoys direct access to and insights from Google, providing an unmatched advantage to their clients’ advertising campaigns.
Working at WASP has been nothing short of a life changing experience for me. Not only am I able to work at a job that I absolutely love, but I feel like I am in a position where I have the potential and means to learn and implement something new about online marketing every single day. Being able to contribute to and continue to grow at a digital marketing company like WASP is everything I could hope for in a dream job- and so much more.
Part 3: The Importance of Relationships
In our first two installments we talked about the gathering information and references in regards to your search for a mobile app developer. This data provides an understanding as to the limitations and expectations of the app developer during your project. In part three of the six-part series we will discuss the importance of utilizing relationships to help compile a list of candidates for your app’s development.You now know what to look for in a developer’s portfolio to determine what they’re capable of, and what standards to set when hiring a mobile app developer. Now it is time to begin looking for developers who not only meet your app’s production standards, but exceed expectations in regards to the development process.
Part 2: Review Client References
In part two of this six-part series we will look at the importance of reviewing client references when hiring a mobile app development company. After examining portfolios in part one, this next aspect will continue to help you with narrowing down your list of potential app developers.Finding the right app design company does take time and can be quite stressful searching for the best of the best. After narrowing the list of potential mobile app development companies by examining numerous developer portfolios, explore the client references offered by remaining candidates. Once you have received client references from developers that made the cut, begin contacting some of these previous clients. This allows you to weigh non-biased opinions of the company or individual you may decide to work with.
Part 1: Portfolio
This six-part series that is centered around aspects of hiring a mobile app developer, begins with the first installment explaining what to look for in the portfolio of a quality app designer.
Finding the best mobile application developer to suit your company's needs is not an easy process. Even more difficult is entrusting a developer with your vision for a successful mobile app. Doing so requires tons of faith that they will not only bring your vision to life, but also contribute to the success of the future app. An easy way you can begin building trust with a potential developer is by taking a look through their portfolio of past clients, and seeing if there are any projects similar to what you want to develop.
For anyone conducting business in the world of e-commerce, a spike in business over the Holiday season is anything but a surprise. According to E-Marketer, 2014 is poised for its highest growth in e-commerce since 2011 at 16.6%; the percentage of total retail sales which e-commerce is responsible for, is up to 8.4%. What could possibly be the driving force behind all of this growth?
One of my loved ones recently asked me how my new job was going, and what I liked the most about it. I paused and thought for a moment. My response prompted a puzzled look to creep across their face, as they were probably expecting some long, drawn-out anecdote. I didn’t reply with the stereotypical “Oh, I love my job” reasoning, because that couldn’t have possibly come close to an accurate explanation. My reply was thus:
If you've been keeping up around here, you should already know that we're a bunch of Winner Mc-Winner-stins, just winning all damn day long. We've won so many things recently, we've taken to calling them "twos." Last week, Charlie Sheen personally contacted us to express how jealous he was of our #Winning. That's another win in our book...a book that's completely filled with wins. However, there's always room for one more. The latest comes by way of our Fantasy Football draft, and yes, we're going to be "that guy" and brag about it. Because that's what winners do.