
It's not too often we get to brag about our street-cred around here. The SEO and online marketing industry isn't exactly known for harboring hardened characters and street hustlers; however, WASP is proud to stand by our reputation as "Certified G's." That's right, we're certified Googlers to the core. Just check out our rap sheet.

What follows is a quick example of WASP's on-boarding process. Being the tight-knit agency that we are, every time we welcome a new client into our nest, we make sure to take the time to perform what we call "mutual education." We learn more about you, you learn more about us, and before you know it we're all gathered around some cocktails by Happy Hour. Just this past week we were blessed with the opportunity to bring the entire WASP experience to a local firm in need of some internet marketing expertise. They had questions. We had answers. We had questions. They had answers. It's all part of a necessary step in creating a recipe for SEO success.

Take a picture. It'll last longer. Let's amend that. Take a a filter...type out a few hundred hashtags...and share it with the world. People are naturally drawn to photos. They give us a flickering semblance of power over the unbeatable enemy that is time. A picture can capture a moment - and these days - may be worth 1,000 re-tweets. Also, a word to the wise: When social media is involved, that "longer" might as well mean "forever."

In the U.S. Facebook is but a single destination among the vast expanses of the Internet; However, this connected reality we experience looks very different from some of the world’s largest emerging markets. India for example boasts Facebook’s second largest

While musical styles and genres ebb and flow in popularity throughout the years, off-the-wall song spoofs are seemingly timeless. There's no other explanation for the sustained popularity of the patriarch of parody, Weird Al Yankovic... Unless of course, you take into account his promotional prowess. Weird Al recently flexed his marketing muscles by releasing 8 songs in 8 days, with the specific intent of selling more copies of his newly-released album. Thanks to the power of social sharing and well-known websites, the strategy was an overwhelming success, which underscores just how efficient online marketing can be when executed perfectly.

No matter the industry, the smartest businessmen (and women!) understand that a majority of the time, success comes down to relationships. Working relationships between the buyer and seller, between employees, and between companies are all necessary. The latter is often referred