My dear reader, I am extremely sorry to have used a misleading title to grab your attention. This post is NOT about why you should not grow followers on Twitter. In fact, I want to share some of the best practices I’ve followed in order to boost your presence on Twitter. I just wanted to ensure that you don’t miss out on this and think of it as just any other random post on your news feed, hence, the title. Some of the most common points that everybody will tell you is to share more images along with your tweets, make sure to follow back your followers, use relevant hashtags, re-tweet other users and post at early mornings or late nights etc. But the strategies I am sharing with you are followed by professional digital marketing agencies and they all have proven results -
“An SEO Expert walks into a bar, pub, bars, tavern, public drinking house, Irish pub...”
Oh, the poor SEO expert. Wait a minute though. It's time, we think, that our super attentive SEO experts get their share of limelight and applause. For, all their hard-work goes into getting your website up on the first page of any search engine result. For, without their mighty list of knightly keywords and unique content, your page wouldn’t have survived the last penalty from Google. And, for, without their attentive watch, your website would have been a perfect spot to bury a dead body. To break it down in simple terms, let’s just say that being an SEO Expert is like being a master to a highly mischievous pup. And, consider taming your website with white hat SEO Service is like bringing up that puppy.
Which of the below images are you most likely to share or engage with?
While it is a well-known fact that images have more social media reach than any other form of content, it is only the visually rich creatives that have the power to connect your brand with your audience.
But a mere knowledge of this fact doesn’t automatically generate great content. One needs to put in effort to come up with visually rich and engaging social media posts.
If you’re spending too much time on designing but still not satisfied with the output, here are 8 simple tips that can transform the way you design your social media marketing creatives -
“The Doomsday Clock strikes midnight.
Cinderella has a radioactive glow”.
This Terribly Tiny Tale that I came across last night is a reflection of today’s world. And, these two lines simply summarize the lucratively imaginative world we’re living in. We live in a time where super heroes are mutating with radio-active energy and more than a billion people believe that the Zombie Apocalypse is nearing. Have I already established in these statements that we’re dealing with some wildly imaginative set of audience? If not, yes- this is where we stand at the podium today, facing a zillion dreams filled with untamed perception.Remember the Season 5 Finale of Game Of Thrones? Of course you do; you were shocked, your jaw dropped, and you shed tears for a hundred shattered pieces of your heart. You cursed each one of the plot writers of GOT and, especially, George R.R. Martin for betraying your loyalty, again. You hated yourself for trusting the scriptwriters; trusting that although they have erased countless characters with a single scratch of their mighty pen, they would – for some odd reason - retain the character we all loved the most: Jon Snow. If you’re as inexorable a follower of Game of Thrones as I am, I bet you wished to read the above headline as “Jon Snow sits on The Wall, ALIVE.” Alas, I’m not George R.R. Martin nor are we writing the plot of Game of Thrones.