My dear reader, I am extremely sorry to have used a misleading title to grab your attention. This post is NOT about why you should not grow followers on Twitter. In fact, I want to share some of the best practices I’ve followed in order to boost your presence on Twitter. I just wanted to ensure that you don’t miss out on this and think of it as just any other random post on your news feed, hence, the title. Some of the most common points that everybody will tell you is to share more images along with your tweets, make sure to follow back your followers, use relevant hashtags, re-tweet other users and post at early mornings or late nights etc. But the strategies I am sharing with you are followed by professional digital marketing agencies and they all have proven results -
As a Digital Marketing Agency we have been at the receiving end for a lot of memes and jokes on how marketing is just manipulating the audience to purchase products even if they don't require them. Well, that's just marketing gone bad. For us passionate workers though, marketing is much more than that. It's a mixture of art and science. And, in this creative amalgamation, sometimes we chemists encounter a lot of disasters. While April Fool's Day is about disasters and pranking friends and family, on a lighter note, sometimes being part of the Digital Marketing industry also feels like being pranked by a client. And, here are a few funny instances -
Have you seen the Apple and Google app stores lately? Unless you know what you are looking for it is easy to get lost searching amongst the masses, and with over 1.5 million apps available it is easy to see why. A spot on the top 25 list is an easy way to dramatically boost downloads and stand out in the crowd. However, obtaining and maintaining a ranking on the coveted list is much easier said than done – unless you have a massive budget or are creating the next new Snapchat. This is where app development comes in to play. If you want more people to download or purchase your app they need to have a reason why. Whether it’s the function, design, description or user experience, there must be some element in your app that can instantly hook your target audience – and that all starts with development.
SEO gone bad? Over the years we've heard a lot of SEO horror stories. It's time we help you revamp your SEO strategy, and let you know why adapting and training your SEO dragon with a fool proof plan is a great place to start. We draw emphasis on the need of a substantial SEO strategy because we know it has the ability to shape and mold the performance of your website. An SEO Strategy is the silent weapon you need. In this blog, let's discuss SEO, content and all that which helps make our SEO efforts a successful plan. Here’s how to train your SEO dragon-
What exactly is advertising? (Or marketing, for that matter) Is it a smart way of convincing people to buy your product or subscribe to your service? Or is it just a business requirement to spread awareness about your brand’s existence? Well, for me, advertising is another form of story-telling. Yes, you read that right. I define advertising as story-telling. Don’t believe me? Try and recall some of the most memorable ads you saw as a kid in the 90s. What are the two things you can recall? I bet it would be the brand name and the main plot of the ad. Even in recent times, if there’s one ad that has caught your attention, go back to it and ask yourself why you like it. Or ask yourself why you associate with a particular brand so much? Unfortunately, as decades have passed, advertising has changed. With the dominance of digital marketing and mobile ads, I feel advertisers today are missing out on the most important aspect of advertising – “Story Telling”. We fail to connect the brand with the consumer by placing too much focus on products or services. Most marketers are bothered about the reach, number of clicks and post engagement. With the mobile news feed being flooded with so many memes and jokes every minute, it is quite challenging to stand out and share a unique story. A story that can leave an impact, touch people’s hearts and yet associate with a brand. Hence, I’ve devised a unique formula (the MIME principle) that I personally believe can help you incorporate story-telling in your digital ads -
“An SEO Expert walks into a bar, pub, bars, tavern, public drinking house, Irish pub...”
Oh, the poor SEO expert. Wait a minute though. It's time, we think, that our super attentive SEO experts get their share of limelight and applause. For, all their hard-work goes into getting your website up on the first page of any search engine result. For, without their mighty list of knightly keywords and unique content, your page wouldn’t have survived the last penalty from Google. And, for, without their attentive watch, your website would have been a perfect spot to bury a dead body. To break it down in simple terms, let’s just say that being an SEO Expert is like being a master to a highly mischievous pup. And, consider taming your website with white hat SEO Service is like bringing up that puppy.
Which of the below images are you most likely to share or engage with?
While it is a well-known fact that images have more social media reach than any other form of content, it is only the visually rich creatives that have the power to connect your brand with your audience.
But a mere knowledge of this fact doesn’t automatically generate great content. One needs to put in effort to come up with visually rich and engaging social media posts.
If you’re spending too much time on designing but still not satisfied with the output, here are 8 simple tips that can transform the way you design your social media marketing creatives -
There is a lot to love about spring: melting snow, spring break, April Fool’s Day, extra daylight after work, and the start of baseball season. OK maybe not baseball, but still, spring is great for a variety of other reasons.
"When it comes to lead generation, you want to make a promise to the visitor and then make sure that you keep that promise" - Bob Ruffolo, Founder & CEO if IMPACT Branding & Design Lead Generation is the new hot cake in the Social Media industry today. Almost every other brand is jumping onto a lead generation campaign on various platforms including Facebook, Adwords, Twitter, Linkedin. This is because Lead Generation has multiple advantages - Firstly, you reach out to an audience that is more likely to convert than an audience that just clicks on your ad or likes your page. Secondly, you get to build a database of leads over a period of time. You could use this information in the future to re-market your brand. Thirdly, you have a fair chance to crack your ROI. Lead Generation campaigns cost differently on different platforms. In my experience, Lead Gen on Facebook is the cheapest so far. In this post, I’d like to show you how you can make the most out of your Lead Generation campaigns on Facebook. There are multiple ways one can generate leads on Facebook. But the two most simple ways to do it are –
“The Doomsday Clock strikes midnight.
Cinderella has a radioactive glow”.
This Terribly Tiny Tale that I came across last night is a reflection of today’s world. And, these two lines simply summarize the lucratively imaginative world we’re living in. We live in a time where super heroes are mutating with radio-active energy and more than a billion people believe that the Zombie Apocalypse is nearing. Have I already established in these statements that we’re dealing with some wildly imaginative set of audience? If not, yes- this is where we stand at the podium today, facing a zillion dreams filled with untamed perception.